VIELGESCHICHTIG. 6 Portraits | 31 Gespräche | 6 Sprachen

5. Oktober 2023 bis 18. Februar 2024 Lebenswege sind vielschichtig: Wie sehr, zeigt die Ausstellung der künstlerischen Video-Installation „VIELGESCHICHTIG. 6

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SAG DU ES DEINEM KINDE! Nationalsozialismus in der eigenen Familie

(English) For this project, it is crucial to understand that the Nazis did not emerge from a void like a horde of madmen and then disappear into it again. They were also not “others” who turned up from outside, but instead, came from the heart of society: our own fathers and mothers, grandparents, aunts, and uncles were “the Nazis.” Taking a step back, and from this wider perspective, also taking the nineteenth century into consideration, based on the concrete example of my extended middle-class family, it is possible to clearly reveal how the frequently disastrous interplay of nationalism, youth movement, reformation and purity fantasies, and no least modern science, etc., must have unfolded. My specific family is, in this regard, not at all special or unique. The “Reichel complex” project can, instead, serve as a model for many Austrian, German, and other European families that were involved in the Holocaust.

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ORF; Ö1, Leporello, 06.10.2015

Sorry, this entry is only available in German. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Jüdisches Filmfestival: “Das Phantom der Erinnerung” Was ist eine Erinnerung? Wie erinnert man sich? Die israelische Schriftstellerin Ilana Shmueli wollte vom Dokumentarfilmer Friedemann Derschmidt beim Sterben filmisch begleitet werden. Herausgekommen ist nach dreijährigen Dreharbeiten ein Film über das Erinnern: “Das Phantom der Erinnerung”. Der 2011 erschienene Film… Continue reading

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